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A new study on the Nutrition Journal analyzes the accuracy of predictive equations to estimate energy expenditure in postpartum women. The study aimed to evaluate the resting energy expenditure (REE) of postpartum women by indirect calorimetry (IC) and provide the most appropriate predictive equations to estimate it. REE of 79 women in a maternity unit of a Brazilian city hospital was measured...
This study, published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal, tries to show how abnormal basal energy metabolism can be associated with higher risk in anticancer treatments (like chemotherapy). Alterations of nutritional and performance status (PS) are associated with higher risk of chemotherapy toxicity. Increased resting energy expenditure (REE) is frequent in cancer patients and may contribute to...
A new study on the American Journal of Critical Care demonstrates the limited reliability of the Harris Benedict Equation as a substitute to indirect calorimetry in critically ill patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. This observational transversal study (sample comprised 205 patients) compared REEIC (measured with indirect calorimetry) with REEHB (calculated with the Harris benedict Equation)...
A new study on the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition has been published showing the importance of indirect calorimetry measurements to accurately indicate the true caloric requirements of patients suffering from severe brain damage and requiring mechanical ventilation. The purpose of this present study was to determine the true caloric needs of patients With Brain Impairment and Cerebral...
A new study on the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition examines the importance of monitoring energy metabolism in lung cancer patients. This study aimed to investigate the energy metabolism of patients with lung cancer and the relationship between energy metabolism and proinflammatory cytokines. The resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient were measured using indirect calorimetry,...

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COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.