White Papers Download the most updated White Papers issued by COSMED proving insights on technological and scientific hot topics. Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test COSMED Wearable Metabolic Technology Body Composition Body Composition in Pre-Term InfantsBody Composition & Multi-Compartment-Model ...
Guidelines You can consult the international guidelines listed below. The information provided by these organizations is constantly updated. Cardio Pulmonary Exercise Test ACSM Guidelines ATS Guidelines ERS Guidelines American College of Chest Physicians Guidelines ECS Guidelines American Heart Association Guidelines Indirect Calorimetry ESPEN...
COSMED DIGITAL COACH Das Coaching-Webinar für noch mehr Diagnostik-Know-How In diesem Format wollen wir euch monatlich zielführende Tipps und Tricks an die Hand geben, damit ihr das Beste aus eurem Equipment zur Stoffwechseldiagnostik herausholen könnt. > Live-Präsentation durch unsere Applikations-Spezialisten > Zeit...
COSMED FRANCE WEBINARS Deux webinaires à destination des pneumologues et cardiologues sont proposés: 29 Avril 2024 L’interprétation de l’EFX est soumise comme toutes explorations à des biais cognitifs mais aussi aux risques sous estimés de «glissement méthodologique» L’objectif de cet atelier est d’évoquer ces erreurs insidieuses qui...
In dialogue with Dr. Sebastian Zeller, sports scientist, trainer and author from Cologne, we talk about the following topics: - The physiologically based athlete support- The benefits of bipolar training- The practical experiences from everyday trainer life[ GERMAN language ] - Starting from min 30
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- “Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics during COVID-19” by COSMED Deutschland GmbH
- ASPEN Podcast: Should Indirect Calorimetry be the Standard of Care for Determining Energy Targets in the ICU?
- Nutrition and Metabolic Needs in COVID 19 with Dr Paul Wischmeyer
- COSMED Webinair "Observer et interpréter la réponse ventilatoire à partir de cas cliniques"