Im nächsten EXPERT TALK mit COSMED CSO und Sportwissenschaftler Sebastian Händel steht Dr. Alberto Schek Rede und Antwort zum Thema „Sehnenverletzungen im Freizeit-/Leistungssport - Diagnostik & Therapie". [ GERMAN language ] Event details 23/3/2023 | 17:00 - 18:00 Sign Up Click on the button below to register: Hier Anmelden About the speakers: Dr. med. Alberto...
Im nächsten EXPERT TALK mit COSMED-Geschäftsführer und Sportwissenschaftler Benjamin Rösch steht Dr. Matthias Marquardt Rede und Antwort zum Thema "Eisenmangel bei Sportlern". [ GERMAN language ] Das Gespräch dreht sich um folgende Schwerpunkte: Über 50 % der Leistungssportler:innen in Ausdauerdisziplinen haben Eisenmangel. Eine große Leistungsreserve bei optimaler Therapie. Ausdauersportler...
In dialogue with PD Dr. Gunnar Treff, sports scientist and supervisor of various national rowing teams, we talk about the following topics: The real benefit of VO2max measurement The methods of precisely determining this parameter The relevance for the trainer and athlete [ GERMAN language ]
On October 4th 2021, join Dr Elisabeth De Waele, Dr Suzie Ferrie and Kate Lambell in this panel discussion as they delve into the Indirect Calorimetry (IC) practices used in their respective settings. You’ll learn about the latest evidence on the use of IC and explore what defines best practice when using IC – both now and into the future. Plus, Elisabeth, Suzie and Kate will share case studies...
On September 28th 2021, join Baxter Webinar "Quantify nutritional request and goals Q-NRG+". During the interactive Webinar we will have the pleasure of addressing and discussing the following aspects together: Baxter's role and passion in clinical nutrition; The importance of using a latest generation indirect calorimetry tool in clinical practice; Virtual Round Table of experts: use of...
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- Periodic health evaluation in athletes competing in Tokyo 2020: from SARS-CoV-2 to Olympic medals
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