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A new paper on Clinical Nutrition focused on the decision-making process around IC application for prescription, and individual optimisation of nutritional therapy. Optimal nutritional therapy requires an individually adapted provision of energy as close as possible to patient's real energy expenditure (EE). Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold standard to measure EE and monitoring the variations...
The present guideline is an update and extension of the previous ESPEN guidelines on enteral nutrition (EN) and parenteral nutrition (PN) in adult critically ill patients published in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Since then, the ESPEN methodology has been upgraded resulting in rigorous evidence-based and consensus-based recommendations. The best and most updated knowledge from the literature, analysed...
A new key paper on Clinical Nutrition focused on the decisive role of Indirect calorimetry (IC) in clinical settings. IC has been long recognized as the gold standard for assessing basal or resting energy expenditure (REE) and determining energy requirement is a fundamental of nutrition support, particularly in the situation where adjustment of energy provision is critical. REE measurement does...
This observational cohort study over two 3 months periods aims to observe the impact of reduced recommended energy targets and the absence of ICU dietitians on nutrient prescription and clinical outcome. The most important result is that a reduction in energy target in ICU resulted in a predictable but unnoticed reduction of protein delivery. In fact, a reduction in energy target recommendation...
This review focuses on why indirect calorimetry should be used in clinical practice of critical care medicine and which are the benefits of using indirect calorimetry and which are the disadvantages of using predictive equation. Considering that "The energy prescription in critically ill patients requires precision and accuracy to avoid the deleterious effects of under- and overfeeding" the use...

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COSMED is a world leading supplier of Cardio Pulmonary, Metabolic and Body Composition testing solutions to Sports Science, Medicine, Professional Sport and Wellness.